Our Sports trading platform Shiro enables Operators to run their own risk management processes, optimise their profitability and stay ahead of the competition.
Shiro can take any number of raw sports data feeds and amalgamate them to enable customisable risk mitigation and pricing for any number of operators. Its real-time data integration and advanced analytics of live odds, results and market movements enable operators to make informed decisions, manage their liabilities, risk thresholds, limits and market exposure to maximise their revenue potential. With its real-time core engine, Shiro can support thousands of concurrent markets and dozens of connected operators.
Shiro is a sports trading platform and odds feed generator for clients who have a trading team and want to:
- Include odds feeds for new sports and markets through their own sportsbook offering
- Create their own sports book frontend
- Offer ‘fancy feeds’
- Become an odds feed provider
- Control the markets and odds in a more granular way
Shiro’s intuitive interface delivers customisable dashboards and informative reports through clear visual representation. This empowers rapid interpretation of complex risk data and prompts the appropriate action.
Shiro offers a wealth of opportunities to address different business needs, such as:
Risk Management:
Shiro can help you to manage a wide variety of sports data, to make better informed real-time decisions that manage risk, improve profitability and market positioning.
Shiro can enable you to add new sports, markets and ‘fancy feeds’ to your sportsbook, or even facilitate the creation of your own sportsbook frontend.
Innovation:Shiro provides a path to becoming an odds feed provider with extensive control over odds and the market.
Improved User Experience:
Through Shiro’s comprehensive set of tools and processing of real-time data an enhanced user experience can be delivered. If you’re in the market for a sports trading platform and odds feed generator that takes complex risk data and presents it in a straightforward way through easy-to-use customisable dashboards then please contact us via our contact form or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.