Navigating Dutch iGaming Regulations

Working in regulated markets can pose iGaming Operators with a number of challenges in navigating their ability to operate in the jurisdiction. With several clients using our Control Database (CDB) solution in the Dutch market, this article shares some of our experiences.

The Dutch regulator (KSA) is actively cracking down on Operators that don’t meet its strict data storage requirements. This was recently evidenced by the warning issued to Holland Casino over issues with its control database (CDB) but this isn’t an isolated case. At least 17 of the 21 licensees in the country are reporting issues with the Regulator. Given that the Regulator can impose a penalty or even licence revocation, it’s understandable that Operators would want to avoid sanctions like these being imposed!

Regulatory Requirements

The Netherlands’ Remote Gambling Act states that to hold a licence in the country Operators must use a Control Database (CDB) to store and transmit data on their activities. The CDB enables the KSA to monitor the operators activities for regulatory compliance. 

To process this data in real-time, uniformly and securely can be a significant technical challenge let alone when it’s not your area of expertise! It can be a wise move for Operators to work with a trusted and responsive partner with a fully managed and certified solution. An example of this is our Domino Data Vault which has been certified for the Netherlands jurisdiction through renowned testing lab BMM Testlabs. We proactively support our Domino clients with regular product updates in line with changing regulations.

Compliance Strategy & Mindset

When operating in a regulated market such as the Netherlands it’s important to have a proactive compliance strategy that’s wider than just the CDB. Whilst a partner can take care of the technical elements and share knowledge, the KSA still requires Operators to demonstrate that they understand the requirements and the issues they address. 

When it comes to compliance, an attitude of meeting the minimum requirement standards isn’t a helpful one. We’ve definitely seen that the KSA expect the spirit of the regulations to be embraced as much as the technical details. We encourage our clients to see compliance as an opportunity rather than an obligation. In fact, those engaging with the process and managing their compliance responsibilities best, seem to be the ones enjoying most commercial success. 

If you’d value a conversation about our experience of supporting regulated activity in the Dutch iGaming market, please send us a contact form or email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to talk.

Navigating Dutch Regulations