Pretty Brilliant People | Miguel

We are really excited to have recently welcomed Miguel to Pretty Technical as our Chief Technical Officer. Miguel joins us with several years of technical leadership experience in the gaming industry including at companies like Gamesys and Playtech. We asked him a few questions to gain insight into what inspires and motivates him.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what led you to join Pretty Technical as Chief Technical Officer?
As Pretty Technical’s Chief Technical Officer, I bring a wealth of experience rooted in engineering best practices and team transformation. My focus has been on fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual appreciation for our colleagues, our clients, and their customers alike. Throughout my journey, I’ve embraced continuous learning, tackled complex problems, and championed innovation.

What sparks your creativity in your role as Chief Technical Officer?
My creativity thrives at the crossroads of experience and diverse perspectives. I find inspiration in past projects and thrive on active collaboration with brilliant minds. Curiosity fuels my mind, unexpected connections often lead to breakthroughs. After all, the mind never rests when it’s determined to find solutions.

What do you value most about the flexibility that working at Pretty Technical provides?
The flexibility at Pretty Technical is a true gift. Working from home transformed my productivity. But it’s more than just location; it’s about balancing life and mind. I’ve solved problems while baking bread or cakes (yes, really) and had eureka moments during sunset strolls.

What has struck you most about the company in the first month?
In my initial month at Pretty Technical, the efficiency of a small business struck me immediately. Unlike the corporate giants, decisions here happen swiftly, no bureaucratic detours. But what truly sets this place apart is the human proximity, the approachability of everyone. From the moment we met at an exhibition in London, I sensed that this was a team I’d like to work with in the future. A while later, we collaborated on a project auditing a business’ technical department, and it was a fantastic interaction that reaffirmed my initial impression of the team. Later, when I finally joined as their CTO, the entire team was on the final steps of a monumental milestone release. Witnessing everyone pushing in the same direction to turn our client’s vision into reality was incredibly rewarding. I am looking forward to adding my contribution to many more success stories in our future.

Who inspires you to be the best version of yourself?
The true inspirations in my life are those individuals who consistently go the extra mile to help others. Whether it’s a mentor who patiently guides a novice, a volunteer who selflessly serves their community, or a colleague who lifts everyone around them, their actions remind me of the immense impact we can have when we extend a helping hand. Their kindness, resilience, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place propel me to be the best version of myself.

Can you share some past experiences that have been most valuable in shaping your journey to Pretty Technical?
Absolutely! There’s a pivotal moment etched in my memory—one that fundamentally transformed my approach as a software engineer. Back then, I was content with writing code, ticking off tasks, and moving on. It was a mechanical process—a means to an end.

But then, something shifted. I realised that our role as software engineers extends far beyond lines of code. We’re not mere code artisans; we’re problem solvers. That epiphany hit me like a lightning bolt. Suddenly, it wasn’t about my personal enjoyment or coding for the sake of it. No, it was about understanding the business, empathising with users, and crafting solutions that truly mattered.

From that day forward, I abandoned selfish coding. Instead, I embraced purpose-driven development. Every line of code became a bridge between a user’s frustration and a seamless experience. Every bug fix was a victory for someone trying to accomplish a task. And every optimisation was a nod to the business’s success.

So, the experiences that shaped me? They’re the ones where I collaborated with cross-functional teams, listened to users’ pain points, and stayed curious about the bigger picture. It’s in those moments that I evolved from a developer to a problem-solving professional—a journey that ultimately led me here, to Pretty Technical. Because now, it’s not just about writing code; it’s about making a meaningful impact.

If you’d like to work with Miguel and our team why not take a look at our Careers page and send an email to [email protected]. If you’d like to find out more about Pretty Technical products and services please use our Contact Form.

Miguel | Chief Technical Officer